Camp Courageous is a summer day-camp like no other!
Get ready for the most anticipated week of the year for kids, moms & dads! In a week of jam-packed fun, kids will enjoy field trips, fun jumps, crafts, lunch, snacks, a water day at the church, and fun-filled daily ministry times tailored just for them. You don’t want to miss this amazing summer camp that has been going strong for 25+ years. It’s not just a summer camp, it’s a tradition!
2025 Promo Video – COMING SOON
JUNE 9-13
Mon – Thurs: 8:00am – 4:00pm | Fri: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Early-Bird Cost: $160.00 DEADLINE: April 6
Late Registration Cost: $190.00 DEADLINE: April 27
Cost: $60.00 DEADLINE: April 27
Deadline To Sign-up: April 27
**Cost is non-refundable and non-transferable after deadline dates**
Camper Registration
Adult Leader Registration
Young Leader Registration
Camp Courageous Release Forms
8:00am – 8:30am
4:00pm Sharp
Elevation Station trip REQUIRES a waiver to be signed. If it is not signed, your child will not be able to jump. It must be done online, NO LATER THAN APRIL 27TH.
*If not done by then, your signed camp form will give Crossroads Church permission to sign waiver for children through their website at http://www.elevationstation.com/broussard/sign-waiver/

Parents Please Read!
*Listed below are a few instructions that will help us as well as your child/children while attending Crossroads Camp Courageous. Please discuss with your child/children to ensure full understanding of the camp rules. We want to assure you that while your child/children are attending Crossroads Camp Courageous, they will be looked after in a way that our Lord Jesus Christ would approve of.
Camp Information
1. Cost includes: lunch, snacks, t-shirt, and three field trips.
2. Check-In Time:
· Mon, Tue, Wed, and Fri: 8:00-8:30am
· Thursday: 7:30-8:00am, leaving at 8:00 am SHARP for field trip.
· Parent/Guardian is required to check in each child/children upon arriving.
3. Pick-Up Time:
· Mon-Thur: 4:00 pm SHARP!!
· Friday: 12:00 pm Noon
· The only people allowed to pick up your child/children will be whoever has a parent pickup tag or a person you have designated on the Registration Form.
4. Field Trips: Please have children wear their t-shirt on Field Trip Days.
· Monday: Elevation Station trip REQUIRES a waiver to be signed. If it is not signed, your child will not be able to jump. It must be done online, NO LATER THAN April 28 (If not done by then, your signed camp form will give Crossroads Church permission to sign waiver for children) through their website at http://www.elevationstation.com/sign-waiver/
· Tuesday: Bowling @ Premier Lanes – drink included in camp cost.
· Thursday: Movie at a Movie Theater – popcorn and drink included in camp cost.
5. Non-Field Trip Day – Wednesday
· Water Day on-site – bring towel, wear sunscreen/bug spray and arrive with swim clothes under regular clothes.