Freedom Groups
REGISTRATION for the 2025 Spring Semester NOW OPEN!
It Is For Freedom That Christ Has Set Us Free
The Freedom Track is our “accelerated” Discipleship Track. Freedom groups will help you grow as a believer, overcome your past, and teach you to walk in true freedom.

February 10th – May 8th
What are Freedom Groups?
Freedom groups meet once a week, for 12 weeks, at the church. There are groups available Monday-Thursday at 6:30 PM. When you register, you will have the opportunity to select the day of the week that works best for you and the type of Freedom Group you would like to join.
We offer:
• Freedom Women
• Freedom Men
• Freedom Couples (for married or engaged couples)
Childcare (ages 0-12yrs) is provided for these weekly meetings.
What is covered in the 12-week course?
Jesus said a time was coming when “true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth.” The ultimate purpose we were all created for is to worship the King. A Spirit-led life of purity and surrender produces a heart for worship.
How much does Freedom cost?
Freedom Track & Retreat Registration Cost: $45/per person (cost includes materials for your Freedom Group, Retreat & T-shirt)
* The Freedom RETREAT is 50% of the Freedom Track. The retreat will take place at Crossroads Church. If you are unable to attend the retreat we highly recommend that you join a freedom group in the semester that you are able to attend the retreat.
Are scholarships available to cover a portion of the registration fee?
If you are in need of financial assistance to attend the retreat, scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis. Please email to request a scholarship application.
What is the Freedom Retreat?
Following the 12-week study is a powerful one-day retreat designed to allow participants to personally encounter the Lord and receive freedom in many areas of their spiritual life.
When is the Freedom Retreat?
Freedom Retreat will be on Saturday, May 3, 2025
Who should attend the Freedom Retreat?
Will childcare be provided at the Freedom Retreat?
Childcare is NOT provided for our Freedom Retreat. It is our hope that we create a distraction free environment for you, and we will not be prepared to accommodate children or infants.
What is the attire for the Freedom Retreat?
The attire is casual. You may want to bring a sweater or light jacket if you get cold easily.
Do I have to register now, or can I do it at the door?
When you register online for the Freedom semester, you are automatically registered for the retreat taking place at the end of the semester.
Who should I contact if I have a question about my registration?
You can contact for all registration-related questions.
Will there be any extra fees, or does my registration fee cover everything like meals and snacks?
All meals are included in your registration fee, so you will not need to purchase any food. Meals include breakfast and lunch on Saturday.