
Sermon Series


Our memory is one of the greatest gifts we have been given. The Bible lets us know there are several things God wants us to remember.

To the young among us He admonishes to remember Him when we are young! God wants us living out our commitment to Him at the earliest age of accountability. For those who have fallen back into a life of sin or compromise, He warns us to remember the heights from which we have fallen. To those staying true to our commitment He cautions, “Remember Lot’s wife.” He doesn’t want us looking back upon our former life as something to return to. In addition, He actually invites us to remind Him of His promises when we find ourselves in need.

Through this series we will set ourselves some reminders so we can carry out all God expects of us and receive all He has promised.


Remember, Pt.1 – Do This In Remembrance of Me

Remember, Pt.2 – Remember Your Creator

Remember, Pt.3 – Remember What God Has Done

Remember, Pt.4 – Remember Lot’s Wife